엘리스 로고


Elice's education planning/operation manager possesses expertise in various educational fields


A bootcamp that trains novice developers


Career consulting that leads to a successful employment journey


Corporate education that leads the digital transformation (DX) of company employees


K12 education that opens up more opportunities for students

Elice's education planning and operations manager can develop a career like this

It helps you design a better career path through a variety of experiences without limiting your job group.

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AI Edu 해커톤 운영팀 V-log

총 1,561명이 함께한 열정 넘치는, 생생한 해커톤 현장으로 Go Go!

AI시대의 공교육을 새롭게 정의하는 K12

The tremendous growth speed generated by a single screw

BDX OPS Division Leader

Reaching Someone Through Education with Sincerity